Tuesday 30 October 2012

A lil sorry

Actually turned my laptop off and wanted to turn in since I've a 9am lesson tomorrow, but decided to post this up.

So we were having dinner just now, then the parents were discussing about our year end TW trip, and so for some absurd reason or something, mummy seemed to be in a bad? mood... I just asked like so how many days we would be in Taipei, and she got liked all worked up over nothing and 'scolded' me. So I was feeling kinda agitated already. Then we were walking some more, and I just happened to ask about whether 大伯 confirm joining is, and got like 'scolded' again. Wah even more pek chek I can't even.

So like daddy went to pay and I was asking where Tampines central CC was located then cos mummy didnt know and said to ask daddy, and so I did. And he just like totally told me to google map it. Thing is, when I use my phone, I'm so apt at where all the things are I can totally swipe through and press it even without fully looking at it, and continued talking to him and asking stuff to find out where it is. Then, he just sorta scolded me to tell me to just shut up and look at the map before asking. Can't you just let me finish my sentence?! Then cos I was so annoyed I actually raised my voice and said the thing haven't even load. And yea, well, now that I've calmed down from it all, sorry!
Really didn't mean to, but how one thing leads to another and things just happen.

And it's not like I actually mention it, seeing how I've long stopped sharing my personal issues with my parents, they actually wouldn't know the things I'm going through in school. But some stuff really leaves me feeling so mixed up and unhappy and I just don't even know what to do.

Truth be told, I really regret not choosing gaming so that I could have a chance to be in the same class as JY.
But then I might regret it even more because it's not what I really want.

But things just don't go as planned do they. Seldom does things goes the way you want them to, but what can you really do other than to suck it up and pull through with it. And as much as I don't like the situation I'm in right now, well there's just half a year more to go. So hang tight, and fight it through.

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